Friday, October 4, 2013

High School Survival Guide

High school can be rough at times and great at other times. Highschool can be stressful with all the school work and meeting the expectations of parents, friends and family. You go through so many changes in Highschool that can be overwhelming at times like driving at 16, voting at 18, applying to colleges and of course everyone has that awkward phase their freshman year. It's 4 awkward exciting years of you're life full of memories. Here's a guide that can definitely help new fishes and any others make it out of high school alive because school sucks haha.

1. Be crazy, get wild, have fun! You're only young once make the most of it! but always be safe!
2. Stop caring and worrying about what other people think & Don't obsess over your image.
-After you graduate you probably won't see anyone from you're school anymore except maybe a few close friends. So don't waste your time worrying about what others think. Do what you want to do as long as it makes you happy and forget the rest! And you're images doesn't matter it's really just up to you and it's great to be self confident but don't over do it.

3. Don't pull out a pack of gum in front of anyone... trust me everyone will want some. I call it gum rapped when you whip out a full pack of gum, then all your friends ask for gum, and you're screwed left with an empty pack of gum. You have to keep that stuff stashed away. Also, walk on the correct side of the hallway. Don't be that one kid who runs into everyone head on because everyone hates that one kid who walks on the wrong side of the hall way.  

4. Try to avoid dating. Trust me, dating just makes things complicated and you are so free with out a boyfriend or girlfriend embrace it while you are young because eventually you are going to be married for like the rest of your life. If you do date don't be peer pressured into anything you are uncomfortable

5. You don't need pounds of makeup for school. Trust me, a little mascara, some powder and lip gloss will be just fine. Like, who are you trying to impress anyways. They should like you for you not the fake makeup you. Also, guys don't like all that make up anyways.

6. Try to be nice to everyone & not gossip to anyone you don't 100% trust. Is it really necessary to be so mean and ugly to each other? It does no good for anyone. Be careful what you say because words do hurt people so think about how you would feel if someone told you that. Also, no gossip no drama will help make highschool a little easier.

7. Do your school work/homework. 
-Doing your work will really help especially if you are planning on going to college. You may not think the stuff you are learning will help in the future but colleges will be looking at your grades and an education is worth so much in today's society. 

8. Be careful on social media.
-This should be a given. I swear everyone is always watching you, so when you are about to post something ask yourself if your family would approve. Stop with the selfie Sunday's every Sunday, I get it you are pretty you don't need to remind me every Sunday. Also, keep everything on private because there are some creeps out there ready to pounce on young teenage girls... watch you will want to keep you're accounts on private after that. Last thing, put some clothes on in your pictures nobody wants to see all your junk hanging out.

9. Calm down and think things before you do anything you will regret.
-We all make bad decisions time to time and that's okay you are young and still learning but, whether you are angry, upset, or overwhelmed just take the time to calm down and relax before you do anything stupid you will regret. 

10. Don't drink or do drugs.
-I know firsthand drugs and alcohol can kill you. So, just wait until you are old enough to drink trust me you will be so much cooler than the kids who drank in high school when they are all sick and dieing years earlier than the norm. Also, drugs make you ugly they rot your teeth and give you major acne breakouts and makes your skin ugly and old.

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